Let’s Ban Division This Australia Day!

Image from Sky News Australia

This Australia Day it’s worth remembering that our ANZACs invaded Turkey so that we could all be free to celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January and don’t let anyone tell you differently. In fact, anyone not celebrating is causing division and one of Peter Dutton’s latest policies is to ban division outright!!

At least that seems to be his policy. When speaking recently, he seemed to be suggesting that division won’t be allowed if he gets the keys to the Lodge. He suggested that Albanese had “allowed division” by not being a strong leader. Let’s see, strong leaders who don’t allow division include: Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping and a host of others. Apparently, Albanese has allowed antisemitism to flourish by not putting a stop to protests and not condemning people protesting Israel strongly enough.

Yes, under Dutton’s leadership Australia would be one nation with one flag, one culture, one version of history, one day to have citizenship ceremonies, and several energy policies. Just to be clear here, when I say “one nation” I don’t mean it as in Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, because her one nation is a completely separate one nation from Dutton’s. There are distinct differences, such as Pauline’s name at the front… As for any others, I’ll get back to you when I’ve had a bit of a think.

A Dutton government would make sure that everyone is free from the sort of divisive decisions that councils make where they don’t hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day. When people do things like call it Invasion Day, they are holding on to the past on a day when we should be celebrating our history and ignoring anything that happened that puts that history in a bad light.

It’s certainly not a day for a “Welcome To Country”!

Speaking of which, I recently went out and was given a welcome by some guy on the door of the restaurant. I’d been reading Andrew Bolt, so I made it very clear that he shouldn’t be welcoming me to my own country. He backtracked and said that he was only welcoming me to the restaurant but I said that he had no right because it was my country because I was born here and he could shove his welcome… which he sort of did, because I wasn’t allowed to eat at the restaurant which just goes to show how woke the restaurant business is these days.

Back to Australia Day and our proud history…

When it comes to history, we need to be quite clear about how it should be taught in schools. There’s a saying that history is written by the winners and if the Liberals win an election, then clearly they’re the ones who should be writing the history. This leftist idea that history is about examining primary sources and trying to determine what happened overlooks the fact that this can lead to indoctrination when kids aren’t taught that Australia is a wonderful country which has always done the right thing and if occasionally it was misled into doing the wrong thing such as invading a country and finding no weapons of mass destruction, then that’s no reason to think we should think any less of ourselves. This black armband view of history that asks us to consider the idea that a mob of boat people containing criminals arriving on our shore isn’t a thing to celebrate is not the sort of thing that kids should be exposed to… Just to be clear, I’m not talking about any recent boat arrival; I’m talking about the First Fleet where the criminals were good Christian criminals who had generally only committed minor crimes such as theft, prostitution, receiving stolen goods, highway robbery, and threats with menace. If they were around today, they could have a good public service job working on Robodebt compliance.



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About Rossleigh 12 Articles
Rossleigh is a writer, director and education futurist. As a writer, his plays include “The Charles Manson Variety Hour”, “Pastiche”, “Snap!”, “That’s Me In The Distance”, “48 Hours (without Eddie Murphy)”, and “A King of Infinite Space”. His acting credits include “Pinor Noir Noir” for “Short and Sweet” and carrying the coffin in “The Slap”. His ten minute play, “Y” won the 2013 Crash Test Drama Final.


  1. After the minority Labor government get back in with the help of the Greens/Indies,they’ll have a pretty easy run on the to-do list.After choosing a new Prime Minister,that is.
    No 1.Get serious about climate change..ditch all the bullshit.
    No2.Rescind all mining approvals.
    No 3.Legislate to make all corporations pay the correct tax.
    No4.Fix the media ownership laws,(which is where most of our trouble emanates from.
    No5.Reverse the ridiculous funding for rich schools, and direct it to the Public sector schools who are screaming out for it.
    After lunch they can then turn their attention to the myriad other wrongs that need to be righted…like sinking that USUCKA debacle.
    And we may also declare (another)public holiday celebrating the squashing of the Dutton grub
    All too easy.

  2. Harry, the pipe dream of what government should look like is a long way from what it does and always will look like.

    I wish it were so easy, to wave the magic wand and every thing is as we would like it to be.

    Getting serious about climate change… ditch all the bullshit.

    I wish I could. Had coffee with a mate the other day, despite all the evidence he denies that the climate change we are experience is any thing real or new, he claimed that it was much hotter when the dinosaurs walked the earth.
    How did he know that? Don’t ask, just accept it as truth. No amount of scientific evidence will move him. And unfortunately he is not alone.

    Rescind all mining approvals.
    What a great idea. Our no.1 export is stuff we mine, it keeps our economy going, the royalties paid provide income for the construction off infrastructure, it boosts government revenue enabling the social needs to be met, hospitals, health services, education and so much more.

    And it provides jobs, well paying jobs. Again, we cannot just turn that spigot off. The economy would collapse, and perhaps give another opportunity to wing about ineffective governments.

    Legislate to make all corporations pay correct tax.

    I guess we need to define what ‘correct tax’ is. I do agree though that the corporate tax and business tax laws need to be addressed, that a more equitable system emerges which places less demand on wage and salary earners and the GST.

    Fix media ownership laws.
    Media is in a state of flux. The influence of main stream media is diminishing as X, facebook, tiktok and other online media gain in influence. Fix one, say the ownership of traditional media, Press, Radio, TV and another arises, and the new ones know no international borders. In that sense though, the current government has passed legislation to minimise the effect of social media on children. How far would you like them to go, and still have a degree of freedom of speech?
    Funding of rich schools.

    I absolutely agree. It beggars belief that a rich kid costs so much more to educate than a poor kid. That is one of the most egregious distributions of tax payer moneys imaginable. It is up there with giving the likes of Harvey Norman all that Covid money when his businesses thrived during that time…. and Harvey Norman is just one of many greedy bastards who refuse to give that money back…. Remember how good the Libs are with handling the economy? Yep, they make sure that the rich get richer.

  3. There are plenty of problems with celebrating 26 January.
    1. It is offensive to indigenous people and the tens (hundred) of thousands of years they lived here.
    2. Having the British flag hoisted at Sydney Cove might have some relevance to Sydney, but little to do with the rest of the country
    3. National days should be unifying, not divisive. 26 January is past its use by date. A decade ago, youngsters would have parties along the coast to celebrate. There’s nothing these days, other than a few ignorant bogans drinking stubbies
    4. It’s finished, and those that want to continue to celebrate the date are heading towards embarrassment

  4. I’m taking the piss Bert.It’s what should should happen and it won’t ever happen unless we start moving in the right direction.Minority government would be a start.

  5. I keep on thinking of those eleven ships cruising through the Heads at Sydney Cove after the disappointment of Botany Bay. The relief that Arthur Philip would have felt having brough those 1500 souls, roughly half of whom were in chains, across the world to an unknown future.

    Some people want to bury that recent history and decapitate and vandalise colonial statues – poor old Cook gets paint thrown over his statues every year and he was just a humble lieutenant charged with charting the East Coast of Terra Australis which he did in an exemplary fashion.

    26 January is all about the founding of modern Australia, it wasn’t an invasion so let’s just call it Foundation Day but whatever you do don’t try to bury the achievements of Arthur Phillip and those who followed him over the next two hundred years.

  6. It happens to be my birthday, so let’s call it Bert’s birthday. And there are a few others I share it with. Best birthday bash, fire works, planes flying over and a special Aussie soundtrack to dance to.

  7. the councils have got it right leave jan 26th to chops sausage and cans.
    happy birthday, bert and dream on harry but I love number 5

  8. That’s almost a wrap. But being a poor dependent pensioner, like so many in Oz, I add to the agenda:
    1. A free govt provided EV
    2. Free installed solar panels & batteries
    3. Free elec heat pump HWS
    4. Free infrared oven & induction cooktop (+ new pots-n-pans)
    5. Free stat-of-the-art aircon throughout
    6. Free state-of-the-art insulation throughout
    7. Free insurance
    After all, I paid my taxes, reduced my footprint years ago, and haven’t pumped climate change

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