Howling wolves follow the pack

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Wolves among the flock

Jewish Journalist Exposes Israel, Katie Halper, Double Down News yesterday – not the first, not the second or the last. Australian establishment seizes on backwards comments by nurses to escalate phoney antisemitism witch-hunt, Oscar Grenfell, WSWS, 13 February 2025. Howling wolves follow the pack, some hunt to trap, to herd the flock, round and round we go till someone calls the show. Why do our leaders here in Australia not see this? Why do they politically weaponise and persecute the very people who speak out or are victims of Israel’s false antisemitism propaganda, entrapment, undercover threats in our country, and hypocrisy? And the flock will follow.

Holocaust never again, yes absolutely, but that doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to when it is being done again in a different way. And that is what Israel (political Zionist) has done in Gaza, is now doing in the West Bank, and has been doing across Palestine since 1948.

Israel (Zionism) targets Palestinians, Jewish diaspora in other countries, human rights advocates, health care professionals, aid and voluntary workers, journalists and the United Nations because they are correcting the lie and false racist, hate raking, vengeful narrative Israel (Netanyahu) is projecting across the world, suppressing their own genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Israel is willing to attack citizens around the world (undeclared war in other countries) ignoring sovereignty, human rights, justice, freedoms, breaking our laws, foreign interference in our democracies, elections, manipulating public opinion with their lies and treacherous narratives. And our leaders just don’t get it!

And who is defending them, enabling them, arming them, come what may? USA and Trump even more aggressively than ever before. Because America certainly doesn’t get it, never has, and look at them, they really don’t get anything outside their borders or in – civility and civilisation (no hyperbole here) are in self-destruct mode too, but not before they commit their crimes, bullying other nations, just like Israel.

Hello, Chris Minns, you are just a State Premier, oh bother! You should keep your nose out of national and foreign affairs, keep your eyes open and ears pitched on the scurrying rats, influencers, gutter press and mainstream media (MSM) misreporting what is going on under your very nose in New South Wales – Stop howling, barking mouthing off whatever, jumping on the band wagon for political and populist point scoring, doing Netanyahu’s bidding locally attacking and scapegoating NSW nurses, human rights advocates, fair-minded Australians and so by design all of us. Stop the hunt and do your job!

Albanese put your glasses on before it’s too late – We do not need antisemitic legislation, just antiracist legislation to deal with both, and if that needs revision, so be it.

But don’t cry like wolves and follow the pack. You take us all down when you do.

And the alternative versions to one or more of these stories:

Chris Minns addresses video of two Bankstown Hospital healthcare staff, ABC News, 13 February 2025 – Jumping on the bandwagon before any clarification or investigation, weaponising entrapment, antisemitism, feeding the wolves. Even apart from himself and his Health Minister floating that hyperbole, ‘you’ll be treated with world class care’, NSW Health and emergency departments which have been in serious decline for some time. Rather it is the other ‘edifice’ he refers to that he foolishly undermines, adding to the collateral damage of our very own public health system, hospital and staff – yes our very own Premier!

Influencer to provide unedited video of nurses’ anti-Israeli threats as pair prevented from practising in Australia, Emily Wind, The Guardian, 13 February 2025 – Mark Butler says the pair have had their nurse’s registration suspended for their ‘sickening comments’. Did anyone think of suspending Max Veifer’s media account, the Israeli influencer doing the hunting? Shoot the wolf, no we can’t do that, how will we ever conclude the story as it was told…

Worthy note, literary and tuneful distraction – there were in fact a number of alternative endings to that big bad wolf story, the publishers of the time didn’t like the original grim ending (Brothers Grimm 1812), and earlier still (Charles Perrault 1697). So the publishers got the Brothers Grim to change it, editorial license – not for the children! Funny that, we see exactly that today in our political narrative depending on who’s weaving and telling the story – It’s all in our nursery rhymes, shock and horror made easy.

And… 1812 what a year that was! America and Britain at war in the New World and Napoleon in Russia, well not much has changed there either – America and Israel on Palestine, Russia and America on Ukraine – Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, our leaders and the Press in Gumnut land spewing out their own versions, except I prefer May Gibbs every time. At least we got an overture out of 1812, flash Napoleonic history and a sinister fairy tale with multiple endings to the delight of children and music lovers everywhere across the globe.

But what will become of 2025, not so good?

No, let’s finish at least one of these stories – a domestic one.

Investigations launched, NSW Health nurses stood down over video making threatening comments about Israeli patients, ABC News, 12 February 2025 – Anyone else pick the slant, the inference, the misinformation, ‘nurses stood down’, but wasn’t one of them a doctor? Good one ABC!

“Are you a nurse, a doctor?” asks the villain, the self-righteous influencer, anyone asked why he contacted them?

“I am from Israel, the holy land” hmm… let’s try not to swallow that one, the smell of blood, eyes popping out in anticipation of the kill, one of Netanyahu’s snapping hounds.

In response to his provocation, they (the nurses, or doctor and nurse) leap up jumping over demons, walls and fences, push back, feed him a false trail and hell doesn’t he lap it up, the brazen howler. But all the press (all the king’s horses), all the leaders (all the king’s men) have come out with their horns and knuckles raised condemning the fox and either praising or ignoring the snapping hound, wolf (ah now you’ve got me), who quite deliberately goes for the kill to fool the wholecountry, not just his prey. How can Australia be so blind? My oh my, it’s just a nursery rhyme, a dark fairy tale, yes but which one – are we on the wall or in the woods? Can we piece us all back together again or are we consigned to hiding in the woods?

Didn’t Albanese tell us we had new laws against this? Albanese says our laws would stop Elon Musk interfering in the Australian election, Matt Rourke, The Conversation 15 January 2025. ‘In truth, there’s little to stop him’, and evidently precious little stopping all the others including that wretched infant beast, Max Veifer and all the others Israel are throwing at us in their herding and slaughter of false antisemitism, yup Sky News and Murdoch too.

Didn’t ASIO boss warn us something else was going on? ASIO chief reveals foreign spies plotted to lure Australia-based activist overseas to injure or kill them: Australia’s spy boss Mike Burgess highlights foreign intelligence operations, antisemitism and election disinformation in annual threat assessment speech, Sarah Basford Canales, The Guardian, 19 February 2025 – He didn’t tell us who but there is a mighty whopping clue there among the three we’re not supposed to know.

Meanwhile the king’s men are pursuing false trails, wild goose chases and easy prey.

This is only the thin end of a much larger web, but I refuse to post or link the gutter press coverage, the snapping wolves – scent of blood, and give them vox, fire or oxygen. The MSM and our ABC public broadcaster are inane and poorly staggered enough, chasing the tales of this lucrative media fox hunt, horns blowing, trumpets blazing, ride on!

It’s a massacre of another kind – scrambled eggs.

I’m surprised Dutton hasn’t minced this up and gone nuclear for all its worth just before the election, although he did surf the waves in Adelaide last week on that Sky News antisemitism jaunt – twittle-twattle with his own version of events – total lies and fantasy, not the kind for kids or sensible adults, and as usual utterly bizarre, maliciously worded, meticulously mimed and crudely unrelated!


make the call
  leader of the pack.
Hug a possum
  ride a camel –
Make them pay for
  a year and a day
then stab them in the back! (1)

graffiti on the wall
  world is out of whack.
Koala we stay
  brumbie we fall
Pan in the sky
  one and all
go slay them in the sack! (2)

Alternative ending for the young of heart


Little Red Riding Hood – Jessie Willcox Smith 1911


Humpty-Dumpty – Leonard Leslie Brooke 1914



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About Jon Chesterson 4 Articles
Jon was born in London, schooled in Sussex and Wales, migrated to Sydney in 1988. Career in mental health, nursing, health care management and education. Currently retired but not brain dead. Occasional writer for the AIM Network, touch of critique and socio-political satire, creative writing and publishing poetry. Family man with grown up daughters and grandchildren. Interests ranging from humanities and social justice to climate change, protecting the planet from reckless destruction to a more than idle lifelong fascination in astronomy and palaeontology. Found sanctuary in the Blue Mountains, a place that reminds us we have a mortal responsibility to inspire in each other good stewardship – this place is our only home in the cosmos to hand on to our children’s children.


  1. How would Palestinians treat me if I worked in their cities and spoke murderous intentions against them? I think the Palestinians would rightly react just as Australians have.
    So where do we go from here?
    Not all Palestinians spew forth hatred. They are good citizens and have a part to play in our country.
    But here is the thing the Palestinians who are demanding that Australians need to come to their senses and hate the Jews need to go elsewhere because if they remain they will only stir up hatred and violence. Like most people I thought people come to Australia because they want to be part of a great country. I did. So why didn’t those who hate Jews and Christians go to a Muslim nation like Eygpt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan? Well the truth is Egypt and Jordan wouldn’t take refugees. Why? Well Egypt launched the 6 day war against Israel from Gaza. They joined forces with the Palestinians and lost. They support Gaza to build tunnels and amass weapons. Why not take Gazans in in their hour of need? The truth? Many Muslims know that the Hamas supporters from West Bank and Gaza are violent and disruptive – too much trouble. Son of Hamas could speak for hours on this.
    Governments are supposed to protect their citizens. The Australian government brought in unsuitable migrants that threatens the peace and stability of our nation. They now have to spend money and resources to protect Aussies. I and many others fully support effective government action to stop this nonsense.

  2. Bev P usually tests the edges of simplicity, decency, under education, superstitious embrace, some race or pigment issues, but why not? We can all try to explain… but it is easy, simple, clear. There is NO god and none has been seen.., no personal appearances, signatures, fingerprinmts, DNA samples, photos, interviews, files by police or CIA or anyone, just NOTHING, so, use the best ever telescopes, microscopes and look. Nothing. Rubbishy believers can come up with whole bibles, korans, Disney storybooks if they support unlimited irrational superstition. There is NO chosen race, promised land, supremacy, righteousness, triumphal group, lounge up in heaven for the egofixated anuses, no nothing. Just observe people and events, hard enough. The deepest, nastiest, most murderous, grasping, thieving, occupying superstition drives Israel, which should not exist legally at all, having been stolen from the fully legal British mandated holding called Palestine up to May 1948. What filthy crime has followed…

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