Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception First IVF Birth Coercive Control by God?

Image created by Michael Taylor

By the barren wombed and time-warped Tess Lawrence

And God created Man in His own image and likeness.

What a breathtaking and arrogant statement.

Could only have been written by a bloke.

The Imago Dei ascribed to the Book of Genesis has long vexed protagonist, antagonist, christian and non-christian, scholar and lay person alike.

In these conjoining years of 2024 and 2025, some of us are still reflecting upon the troubling past, the tenuous present and ominous future as part foretold at President Donald Trump’s inauguration and self-anointed baptism as Saviour of the Unfree World.

Of course, there was beauty and love and joy in 2024. But in some parts of the world, including Australia, we endured murderings most foul at the cruel hands of our worst predators – ourselves.

A fresh reset to a new year has slipped from our grasp and there is no delineation between the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, save in name only.

Unholy Carnage, Mass Murder in the Holy Land

The unholy carnage and mass murder in the Holy Land is not assuaged by the announcement of a ceasefire in the Israeli/Gaza war, better referred to as the Hamas/Netanyahu War, for that is the closer truth.

The indulgent excess that surrounds the commercial celebration of the birth of Christ (who He?) is sometimes cloying. And still with us.

Santa Claws has overcome Jesus/Isa as the leading man in the story of Christmas. Reindeer are the sacred cash cows and stars of this show – not the donkey that carried the pregnant Virgin Mary to the stable in Bethlehem.

No Room at the Holiday Inn, for Jesus, Mary and Joe, No Mar-a-Lago

There was no place for the couple at the holiday inn. No Mar-a-Lago for Mary and Joe, though the sea to the lake resort name for Trump’s White House proxy in Palm Beach resonates with the river to the sea for some in the land of the Son of God, perhaps even the Hyiani date palms of Gaza, if they still exist and haven’t been blown to smithereens, like human beings and other creatures great and small.

The mists of time are enmeshed with the red mist of endless wars and warring. Tears of blood and water drip from eye sockets emptied by the inescapable force of ballistics – bombs and rockets and the unforgiving velocities of speed and entrenched hatreds. Death comes delivered faster than the speed of light.

From this poisoned well we drink from a loving cup filled with a soup of blood and bone marrow nourished with the body parts of babes and the innocence of children. Lambs to the slaughter, as was Jesus, designated a terrorist by the State.

At times the world is a place where brutalized and bruised humanity remains a stranger without kindness. Or pity.

The Magi Displaced by MAGA Wise Men
Social Media is Opiate of the Masses

Kan ya ma kan, Long ago and here and now, in the place where the real and unreal dwell side by side, the Magi bore gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh for Mary and baby Jesus. Today they have been displaced, banished to clearance sales.Buy now whilst cheap, for next Christmas.

Google, X, Meta, Microsoft and amazon, borne by the exalted wise men of Trump’s MAGA annd mega titans of the universe, Musk, Bezos, Zukerberg, Pichal and now Gates; come laden with crypto coin, billions in gold bullion, the gifts of global techno hypnosis and the contemporary religious opiate of the masses, social media.

The several Lunar New Years we have yet to enjoy gives us a second chance to reset aspirations rather than resolutions.

We boast a multi-cultural society spawned by the British Empire whose King, Charles 111 is also our imposed King and Head of State to whom our politicians and defence forces still swear allegiance, as well as to his heirs, even if one of them is an alleged rapist who has paid substantial monies to his accusers. We have a banquet of festivals and celebrations before us.

Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Reproductive Rights of Women

The origins of Christmas with the premise of the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception, even as a Catholic schoolgirl, perplexed me. The Christmas rites associated with the Virgin Mary’s pregnancy are with us every hour, every day insofar as the reproductive rights of women are concerned.


The Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner 1898, the acclaimed African American painter and Bishop’s son. The Archangel Gabriel is portrayed as a shaft of light. Philadelphia Museum of Art. Source: Wikipedia.

I found aspects of Mary of Nazareth’s surrogacy, fertilized by deific sperm of some kind (it was never made clear by the nuns, also Brides of Christ, remember) quite worrisome and unnerving.

For even asking such a question, I copped a cuff about the ears from Sister Terezina

Now I am older but no wiser.

And where, I wondered, was the notion of Mary’s “free will” in all of this? Did she have a choice in this? Did she give informed consent?

Did Virgin Mary Give Informed Consent to God’s IVF treatment?
Did She Have Any Choice in the Matter?

Here’s how the Apostle Luke saw it. From the website of The Holy See:


10 In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth


to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin‘s name was Mary


And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 


But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. 


Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God


Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus


He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, 11 and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father


and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” 


But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” 12 


And the angel said to her in reply, “The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God


And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived 13 a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren


for nothing will be impossible for God.” 


Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. 

Was Virgin Mary Victim of Coercive Control by God?

So was The Virgin Mary a victim of Coercive Control by God? A case could be argued that she was, surely. This handmaid’s tale is one of a master slave relationship.

Moreover, Mary’s fiancé, Joseph, also seems to have had little say in the matter of this Immaculate Conception. There is theological argument about whether the couple was married and dispute about the meaning of the word ‘betrothed’. Did the couple ever marry?

Was Joseph dragooned into his role and cuckolded by God? Was he too, a victim of deific coercive control?

And, like the story of Adam and the demonised Eve taken literally, the spectre of incest hovers not only in the garden of Eden but also in the garden of Gethsemane. Here’s why:

Catholics are taught of the ‘Holy Trinity’ – meaning the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost aka the Holy Spirit. As far as the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception is concerned, did God conceive God, conceives God, conceives God? Godly incest? Ergo, did Eve fornicate with Cain and Abel to propagate the human race? Just asking. Am neither a theologian nor a believer.

And what of Mitochondrial Eve, the woman who is our common ancestor?

  • Was Virgin Mary the First IVF Mother?
  • Was God the Deific Sperm Donor?
  • Were Mary’s Eggs Used to Make Baby Jesus?
  • Whose DNA Did Jesus Have?
  • Did Earth Move For Virgin Mary at Moment of Conception?

Was it deusoxyribonucleic acid?

So many questions and not enough answers.

Was the Virgin Mary, she of the Immaculate Conception who told Gabriel that she had not ’known’ man in the biblical sense of the word, the world’s first such IVF mother?

Was God the deific sperm donor, in that case? Were her human eggs used in this in vitro fertilization? And just what did God’s/Holy Spirit sperm consist of? Did the earth move for the Virgin Mary at the moment of conception?

Virgin Mary Was God’s Baby Mama

After all, the Virgin Mary was God’s baby Mama.

Thus I wasn’t the only one shocked and annoyed when last January, in his address to the annual diplomatic corps accreditation to the Holy See (including newbies representing the Sultanate of Oman) the Holy Father Pope Francis, denounced surrogacy, with no sense of irony that his church and other Christian faiths, indeed much of the world, had just celebrated the birth of Jesus, born to the Virgin Mary, his surrogate mother!

Mind you, Francis saw fit to give a shoutout to Australia’s fiftieth year of diplomatic representation to theVatican, not as long as the 70 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran or the 60 years of the Republic of Korea, but saw fit to sink the papal slipper into surrogacy.

Pope Francis Denounces Surrogacy
Such Hypocrisy Given Immaculate Conception

In his words about a womb with a view, Francis said in part:

“… The path to peace calls for respect for life, for every human life, starting with the life of the unborn child in the mother’s womb, which cannot be suppressed or turned into an object of trafficking. In this regard I deem deplorable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the women and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs. A child is always a gift and never the basis of a commercial contract. Consequently I express my hope for a effort by the international community to prohibit this practice universally…”


How can the Pontiff exhibit such breathtaking theological and societal hypocrisy?

Such theological Hypocrisy

The singular tenet of the Virgin birth of Jesus, the son of God not man, the fruit of the Virgin Mary’s surrogate womb being the Saviour of the world is a clear endorsement of surrogacy, surely.

And it’s not as if the Virgin Mary’s surrogacy is the only reference.

Some of us even mildly inculcated in Catholicism are aware of the Bible’s reference and godly approval of surrogacy.

It came to pass we learned that the Virgin Mary’s surrogacy for God to carry His son, was not the first instance of commandeering a womb to enhancing God’s work and complicated plan for we earthlings and the universe

Again, Genesis, the first book in the Old Testament tells us that the Prophet Abraham (aka Abram) a sort of CEO type exalted Patriarch who gave his name to the Abrahamic Faiths of Islam, Judaism and Christianity and to whom all three defer and respectfully acknowledge, is of deep theological and sociological significance when it comes to the subject of surrogacy. Yes siree.

Elderly Sarah Gave Old Geezer Abraham Her Egyptian Slavegirl Hagar For Sex and Surrogacy

Abraham and his wife Sarah were an elderly couple and apparently Sarah was too old to conceive, so she ‘gave’ Abraham her Egyptian slave girl called Hagar to take to his bed and in due course the enslaved surrogate mother Hagar gave birth to Ismail, setting a biblical precedent, I think.

Pope Francis conveniently neglected to call out this particular surrogacy. If ever there was an example of a shonky surrogacy transaction, this was it. Hagar was a slave and therefore a household chattel. She had no rights. She was ostensibly forced to have sex with an old geezer for feudal reasons, religious and otherwise.

Was this not sexual abuse and rape of a young(er) woman by a married couple? Let’s hone in again on what Frankie said:

“I deem deplorable the practice of so-called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of the dignity of the women and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs.”

What else was Hagar’s abuse but a “grave violation…based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs?

Wieseman, Marjorie E. “Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham” (2017). . In The Leiden Collection Catalogue, 4th ed. Edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Elizabeth Nogrady with Caroline Van Cauwenberge. New York, 2023:

We can be forgiven for musing upon the predicament of the slave girl Hagar. Her body was not her own. It and she belonged to Abraham and Sarah. She was their chattel. She had no say in the matter. No choice. A rape by any other name would smell as foul, surely.

The legal ambiguities argued about the practice and definition of coercive control seem irrelevant given Hagar’s unambiguous control by the biblical couple, even if the story is allegorical or was absolute in the first instance. Serious argument points out that as a result of carrying and bearing her master’s son, Hagar’s position in the house of Abraham and his missus, was elevated to a degree although things turned out rather badly.

The Annunciation by an Unknown Chinese Artist

The Annunciation, Plate from An Illustrated History of the Lord of Heaven Who Became Incarnate in the Flesh by Unknown Artist, 1637. Source: The Minneapolis Institute of Art.

In Trumph’s first quadmester of his second term as President. his actual intentions re IVF and surrogacy laws are unclear and hitherto riddled with contradiction and flip-flopping. What a surprise.

Trumph has declared, on a number of occasions that he was saved from the assassin’s bullet last year by God, who clearly had greater things in mind for the pussy grabber.

Sketch of Donald Trump in court with Jesus.. Source Rodney Kennedy OpEd article on Baptist News Global.

Just a few days ago in Vox, Rachel Cohen produced some cogent statistics on American people and abortion rights and IVF:

“… In general, polls show voters have grown even more supportive of abortion rights than they were before the Supreme Court overturned Roe. About 80 percent of voters say protecting contraception access is “deeply important” to them, and 72 percent of Republican voters had a favorable view of birth control. IVF is even more popular: 86 percent of Americans think it should be legal, including 78 percent of self-identified “pro-life advocates” and 83 percent of evangelical Christians.

These overwhelming public approval numbers show why Trump’s strategy of distancing himself from abortion restrictions resonated during the campaign. But governing requires actual decisions – and unlike campaign rhetoric, those can’t be as easily walked back…”

The Virgin Mary’s surrogacy is, to use the vernacular, ‘a thing.’ At least insofar as the Catholic Church is concerned, even though it is in denial.

Then again, the ‘Father’ Church has always sought to downplay the role of women and constantly denigrates women’s intelligence and denies women equity in every facet.

Misogyny is rife within the Catholic Church and the Pope’s attitude merely further demonises women. Of course, in no way am I endorsing women/slave trafficking of women and babies.

Rather than condemn surrogacy outright it would have been more helpful to humanity if Francis had endorsed international ethical legislation and global dialogue. All parties must have an input into this age old practice.

Was Jesus breast fed by his virgin mother? Was Virgin Mary regarded as still a virgin after the birth of Jesus?

The aspect of surrogacy is a global and sometimes criminal concern and the story of Mary’s Immaculate Conception gives another dimension and opportunity to discuss the matter and its many sensitivities, including sexual slavery.

For some, the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception is yet another example of the sanctioning of religious coercive control.

Was Mary truly blessed? As her prayer says, “Blessed is the fruit of her womb, Jesus.”

Her prayer is also unequivocal “Holy Mary,Mother of God.”

Couldn’t be more clear.

So, it’s time that the Holy Father fessed up and conceded that surrogate mother Virgin Mary was God’s IVF baby Mama.

© Tess Lawrence


Tess Lawrence is Contributing editor-at-large for Independent Australia and her most recent article is The night Porter and allegation of rape.





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  1. omigawd – even as a recovering Catholic, I am shocked! – you awful childless cat-lady, you!

  2. Thanks, this discusses one of many inconsitencies in the RW Christian preaching to the world.
    Most of my Christian friends will either deny that these exist, or refuse to discuss them.

    @ Noel – very good, very good!

  3. Clearly, Trump is the Messiah foretold, not Isa or Yeshwa. After all, he has already said as much. How can we not believe in the face of overwhelming non-evidence. I’m so thankful to have seen the light before I pass beyond this mortal coil. Anyone for tennis?

  4. I’m surprised that an ex-Catholic schoolgirl would get this wrong. The so-called Immaculate Conception was not Mary being impregnated with JC, it was her being conceived – because, after all, you can’t have a deity being born from sin and by the time the church came up with the immaculate conception shit, all sexual relations were considered sinful by certain factions, however esential they might be for the continuation of human existence.

    I really wish that religious education was mandatory, and by religious education I mean an accurate history of the genesis (see what I did there?) and evolution of all the major faith systems. Surest way I can think of to minimise religious intrusion into government and people’s private lives.

  5. Tess what a great article. Never thought of the issue in that way, but then I am generally against religion because its a gross lie.

  6. Tess you continue to amaze me with your writing, when I think your last article was the greatest you prove me wrong by surpassing it, I may have to hang around for a few more in anticipation in these troubled times.

  7. Mary had no choice in the matter, or her name was drawn out of a dog sized hat that had one name in it which meant she still had no choice. The babble…er, bible is the ultimate male power fantasy novel.

    And now:

    “And the angel said to her in reply, “The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.”
    Why didn’t Mary drown when the holy spirit came all over her?

    It’s only the first part of the new Orange Messiah’s prayer with no attempt to make it all rhyme.

    Our Trump who aren’t the big house
    Horrible be thy name
    Thy tantrums Number One
    Thy makekup will be done
    in bathroom as it is in orange
    Give us this day your daily brainfarts

    Join in and add more.

    Thank you so very much for your comment.The hypocrisy of it all just got to me.

  9. Apparently the bible took 1,500 years to assemble which involved translations and text based on word of mouth, the process creating opportunity for translation and “Chinese whisper” errors to creep in. Despite contradictions it is declared as being 100% correct and “the word of God”. “Genesis” apparently describes how everything physical we know about was created by God in the first week. Not sure who documented it, but there are questions about incest/lack of DNA diversity in the subsequent generations to Adam and Eve. Raises the question of why the immaculate conception if god can knock up man (and women).

    I’m guessing this covers the big bang – quite a neat trick for a god that created man in his own image. The best we can do for a big bang is let off nukes to destroy the planet.

    The problem with the bible is it shows its age, clearly having been written by “man” from a relatively simple ancient human society perspective, devoid of any technology, which after “translation” by those “in the know” of the various religions, is understandable by most people and their slaves. It is likely to mirror the attitudes and life experiences of those authoring the tome, which doesn’t involve IVF.

    IVF outcomes get better as the technology evolves. Science is reducing infant mortality and bypassing natural selection. The way we are heading, we will need IVF to keep the species going.

  10. @ LEEFE

    Clearly wasn’t paying attention in class again. Have given myself three Hail Marys and two How’s Your Fathers as penance.

  11. Fred, how can you say that.
    I often get visits from the Jehovah’s Witness people and also from Mormon missionaries and they tell me, assure me that the book I call mythology is really god’s word…. Both books apparently, the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

    I did question this yesterday when two ladies called, as I explained to them that I have read the bible and that I understand the history of it, that it is a collections of myths, fables, reinterpretation of ancient Babylonian stories, the younger one felt ill, and so the ladies left.

    How dare I confront that dear lady with stuff she didn’t need to hear, that if she listened too intently would slam the gates of heaven on her, condemn her to an eternity in the hell fire flames.

    Unfortunately, religions, yes, plural, religions stifle any attempt at critical thinking. How dare we question god’s truth.

    Thank you Tess for being so eloquently brave.


    Dearest Ken, thanking you for your steadfast support and encouragement through the years – always wonder ‘ What would Ken think ?’ Rather than what would J think.

  13. Thanks Tess, it’s all clear some of it now. I’m not good at bible thingy. Is Mary’s immaculate conception like the orange man’s immaculate deception? Is it all writ in the thingy? Is that why he grabs pussies? Is that why he held up the St John’s thingy showing it to the masses at Lafayette Square? Could it be he too is a god’s surrogate? Y’know, was it the thingy that writ of a second coming?

  14. A great read, Tess!!!!!!!!!!
    A couple of worries Mary must the the only women whose hymen was broken outwards?
    Neanderthals may have been god’s first try at creating his own image?
    not sure about your IVF I am more inclined to attribute jesus to Gabriel’s shaft in Tanner’s painting.

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