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I know a few people who would disagree with me in very, very strong terms, but I stand by what I have said. Religion and politics don’t mix.
OK, but maybe they can with certain provisos, like an upfront declaration of what the religion or basis for the values behind the political stance is, for example, The Australian Christian Party is quite clear what its position is, based on a set of beliefs they promote, also Family First have a web site where their policy position on issues regarding life and death and perceptions of lifestyles are clearly enunciated.
So in determining what values I want from a political party, I can check those parties for their positions. But I cannot do that with the mainstream parties. I cannot get from the Liberal Party, the Nationals, the Greens or Labor. The policies from those parties are more general, broad based and economy or vested interest focused.
What is apparently happening is that a number of religious people are being nominated for election, and those people have a commitment to the policies of the party they belong to, who have endorsed then as candidates. In the mainstream, secular parties there are no policies regarding religious belief or moral standards, so it becomes important to ask the candidates whether they are adherent to a particular faith and if so, how that will impact on their votes regarding issues such as abortion rights, voluntary assisted dying, same sex marriage, trans gender issues and so forth.
When such issues are voted on, a conscious vote is allowed, but that will allow the faith based issue to become law based on conscious rather than in respecting the rights of individuals who are part of the diversity of faiths, religion, beliefs and identity issues which make up any constituency.
The concern here is real.
We have people in most states and territories, in parliaments, representing electorates which are diverse in ethnicities, of different faiths, of no faith, people who are non-binary or binary as far as gender identities are concerned, people who may well be seriously ill, dying painfully who would like to end their lives, we have women who are pregnant but are facing health challenges, either for themselves or for the unborn child who need to terminate the pregnancy. People living in an unorthodox relationship, same sex marriage, open marriage. And they are potentially represented in parliaments by people who do not care about them or their particular situations.
They write laws which discriminate against this diversity, all for their beliefs, potentially criminalising people for who they are, how they identify in relation to gender and sexuality, or for not believing what they consider should be believed.
I do not, will not vote for Family First or Australian Christian parties. I place them last, even lower than my least favoured secular party, but I respect them for being up front and telling us of their fears and how they will discriminate when writing laws or when altering laws which currently protect those diversities.
The concern for the other political parties is that people who hold the views of either those parties, or any other faith based party is that while claiming to be secular parties, they are being dishonest.
Recently I sent some candidates for the state and federal elections as well as for local council a series of questions. Yes, my name was on the email I sent, but did not declare my position on the issues I raised. The questions are of greater concern than just mine. So I will share wth you the questions I have sent.
Working on the campaign for the recent state election I also managed to chat quite informally with several candidates about the issues listed below, and their responses were interesting. One candidate in particular, who thankfully did not get in, was blatantly honest about his discriminations:
Will your faith or religious affiliation affect your vote in parliament on amendments to pro life or abortion issues, and other reproductive rights issues such as IVF and donor sperm banks?
Will your faith or religious affiliation affect your vote in parliament on laws regarding Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation of amendments to such laws?
Will your faith or religious affiliation affect your vote on religious freedom in considering the current focus on islamophobia and anti-semitism, laws which may provide specific consideration for particular religious or faiths, rather than all encompassing legislation which would consider each religion or faith as equal?
Will your faith or religious affiliation affect your vote in parliament on gender issues such as the use of puberty blockers or other gender affirming/altering methods?
Will your faith or religious affiliation affect your vote in parliament regarding Marriage Equality which recognises same sex marriage as a legal entitlement?
There are other questions worthy of consideration, but those six cover the most obvious ones.
In local council elections, candidates do not campaign under a party banner in Western Australia, so that question is also asked.
Others questions to consider are in relation to First Nations peoples, the issues of cultural erasure, language erasure, welcome to county ceremonies and the recognition of first nations country, which is NOT a reclaiming of the land, just a recognition of the relationship between First Nations peoples and the land. And I am sure that there are other issues which allow discrimination, which allow the denigration of certain people based on religious, race, gender, ethnic and cultural differentiations.
Elections are more than a checklist of economic achievements or shortcomings, elections are about having members in parliaments who will represent all their constituents and protect the human rights of all people who live in this country, including those who have recently arrived or have not yet claimed citizenship.
I was tempted to ask about illicit drug use, a question which I avoided asking of the Liberal candidates at the state election since one person who is now a member of the state parliament is reputed to enjoy the odd snort of cocaine. The question there would need to not be personal so much as pointing out that using an illicit substance is encouraging the illegal drug trade. I guess to ask for the view on the legalisation of specific drugs, should cocaine be legalised for example would be appropriate. The same sort of question could challenge tobacco users.
The final comment to make is that the answers to those questions are important to me and will affect the vote I am legally obliged to lodge, and my questions are to ensure that the candidate I support upholds the values I wish from my representative in parliament or council.
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last century: kevin andrews vad nt why are we the only non VAD??? religion!!!!!!
fatima Payman???
Of course religion and politics don't mix, one is fantasy world and the other is real world. I believe it is also in the constitution, to maintain separation of the two.
Yes, I am strongly non-religious and I certainly do not want everything government does being dictated by religion. Government decisions should cater to the religious, the non-religious, and everyone else.