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Numbers don’t lie: $0 for nuclear, $1.3bn for polluting gas and bucketloads of climate harm in Opposition’s budget reply

The Climate Council Media Release

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s budget reply details the Liberal-National Party’s polluting policies on energy and climate change:

  1. $0 for nuclear begs the question: is the party now walking away from their highly controversial energy scheme?
  2. A whopping $1.3 billion in handouts for multinational gas corporations during a cost-of-living crisis
  3. Zero mention of climate change, net zero or escalating costs of disasters is a head-in-the-sand approach to Australians suffering from worsening climate disasters

The Federal Opposition’s policies put more Australians in the crosshairs of escalating climate-fuelled disasters, the Climate Council summed up in response to tonight’s budget reply.

Their policies help the polluting gas industry with handouts and promises to wave through more projects. It continues their poor track record on climate change with more of the same: more excuses, more delays, and more harmful climate pollution from coal and gas. The Coalition still has no credible plan to deal with climate change, or replace our ageing coal generators.

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie said; “While Australians are struggling in a cost-of-living crisis, the Liberal-National Coalition is focused on handing out $1.3 billion to the gas industry, and waving through their polluting projects. This tramples all over the progress we’re making to cut climate pollution and protect our environment. It’s reckless and destructive.

“While there’s plenty of cash being splashed on gas, no dollars are set aside for nuclear. Is this a genuine policy, or was it always just a ploy for more coal and gas?

“Combine their expensive nuclear scheme with bucketloads of gas, and you have a climate disaster that locks in at least two billion more tonnes of climate pollution from coal and gas.

“They still have no plan to cut climate pollution. They’re wilfully risking our kids’ future by kicking the climate can decades down the road. With coal-fired power stations on the way out, and the climate crisis accelerating, we need energy solutions for today. More renewable energy and storage is the fastest way to get power bills under control, the quickest way to replace coal as it retires, and the only way to secure a safer future for our kids and our communities.”


See also: Budget reply fails to set out plan to lift living standards or tackle housing crisis


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AIMN Editorial

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  • This Dutton led opposition is the slimiest, silliest, emptiest one I've seen in over sixty or more years, desperate for notice, pose, reality, luck,. The leader of the flopposition is a bumkicking abducting failed copper from the dark north, where royal commissions have exposed the chronic police problems of cynical law defying, of racism, of ignorance of basic law. Dutton is under educated, under average, and still here. His reply tonight is a stream of lies, vagueness, omissions, emptiness, utter shit.

  • Absolutely destructive. Like Trump. Much progress and many deals takes thousands or millions of people years, even decades to accomplish. Trump has just pulled the rug out from so many things. Aid programs killed overnight that will take major effort to get going again.

    Dutton is doing the same in Australia — killing the progress made in renewables and to better technologies. Remember nuclear is just old steam-driven turbines, like gas.

    Dutton will kill the opportunities for many Australian technologies to be adopted.

  • Personally I think the whole nuclear thing was just a massive scam to hide the fact that all they want to do is to shut down renewables and spend billions on gas to please his masters. He wants to ramp up the use of gas well into the future, the environment and climate change be damned. The big problem with this is that there are no new gas plans or opportunities currently available and given they take many years to develop.........this leave him with a whopping great hole with no extra gas. There is also a huge worldwide shortage of gas powered generators for new power stations, at least until 2030. Like his claim to be able to get Chump to retract his 25% tariffs, he thinks he can just walk up to his multinational gas mates and, poof, get more domestic supply. We still have not forgotten that it was his idol, John Howard, who sold out all of our gas in the first place, with no allowance for a reserved or allocated domestic supply.
    So, just like his nuclear plan his gas plan has more holes than swiss cheese.
    And as far as nuclear goes it was only the other day that it was revealed that the 2 reactors he plans to build in QLD do not have enough water to run them anyway. The other 5 sites he mentioned also do not have significant local water supply and they need over twice the quantity of water required by coal fired generators.

  • Typical of the Spud and the Duttonate. Nothing at all inspiring or economically / strategically viable. Just the negativity of simpletons, and layers of lies and false statistics, and the peddling of hate / blame on Labor, when in fact the 9 years of federal LNP govt brought on all our economic / structural problems, and massive corruption.

  • Pete P is quite right to say this opposition gas shit is a great organised scam in relation to vague promises on nuclear, which we cannot do or maintain. By fooling and drooling garbage talk, Dutton's dungpile directives are really about donor driven profiteering out of a coalition of interests concerning befouling gas expansion, a mirage, uneconomic, unpleasant, unrealistic, probably legally unachievable. Sickos.

  • Brainus Fartus Extraordinaire Spuddy Duddy is simply a clueless waste of space. He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. He is the face of idiocracy writ large.

    To use a favourite quote from one the The Three Stooges shorts:

    Moe To Curly in Half Shot Shooters, "Everytime you think you weaken the nation."

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