George Theodoridis

George is a sample specimen of Aristotle's 'political animal' and a lover not only of Aristotle and his work but of all the men and women who have contributed to the nourishment of the human mind, the nurturing of its heart and to the understanding of the difference between good and evil. He has translated all the extant plays of the 5th Century BC, Athenians, as well as many of the Lyric poets, including Sappho as well as a few morsels from Plato’s lush table, all of which he has placed up on the web for everyone to download, to study or to read at their leisure. His thirteen volumes of the Greek plays and a book of his own poetry are available from Amazon.  He is also a member of the working group of the Barum Fabula digital library of classical works, a collaboration of eight universities in Spain and the US.

What if Plato had a smart phone?

Plato begins a conversation with his older brother, Glaucon with these words: “And now, Glaucon, let us examine our nature…

2 days ago