Dr James Moylan

Dr James Moylan – LLB (Hon), BA (Culture), Dr of Phil (Law, SCU) – lives in Lismore, NSW. Dr JiMM has variously been a skid row alcoholic (age 13-27), a Journalist, a Sugar Train Driver, and a researcher on the heritage age god and mineral fields in central Queensland. He has also run a Public Relations firm (Radio Mango Productions, Mackay), has been admitted to the roll of legal practitioners as a solicitor (Qld, 2014), was the President of (the short lived) independent Student Union at Southern Cross University (LEXUS – 2011/2), and is one of the co-founders of the HEMP Party in Australia (along with Micheal Balderstone). Dr JiMM has been happily married to the same gorgeous lady (Sharon) for more than three decades and has one adult daughter (Tayla).

You are strongly advised to STOCK UP ON TRUMP MERCH NOW!

Dear Consumer, We would like to make you an offer. You will not want to reject this offer. You have…

4 days ago

The art of living in interesting times

Sometimes I can’t keep up. The treadmill feels like it is moving too fast. At heart I am a bleeding-heart…

7 days ago

Clenching my buttocks & keeping it short ‘n light

I like to rummage about in the back drawers of our culture, dig out a bunch of glittery gee-gaws and…

1 week ago

About the All-American Easy-Watching Super-Sexy Turbo-Charged Dreamtime Machine

When I was a preteen, television was the essential escape vehicle, and the best rides were all made in America.…

2 weeks ago

The closing days of the pax American

According to reports, about half the people who say they have read Orwell’s 1984 are lying. Sometimes I wish I…

2 weeks ago

A warning against shameful non-worrying

Back in the days of the cold war there was good reason to be frightened. The northern hemisphere was fair…

2 weeks ago

I don’t know…

I have been working for several days now on a long and detailed rebuttal of everything that I most dislike…

3 weeks ago

Election 2025: Who let the dogs out?

Before we all plunge into electioneering mode I would like to say a few things about the piss-poor political choices…

4 weeks ago

Right-wing fantasy meets the brick wall of reality

Trump spent the last two years making an awful lot of promises. He’s gunna instantly end every war on the…

4 weeks ago

Dear Uncle Sam

Dear Uncle Sam, We have had our ups and downs over the years. At your best you have been charming,…

1 month ago