Zionist leader vilifies Jews too much?

Image from the United Nations

Mark Leibler AC is the sole senior partner in the law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler.

He is also the national chairman of the Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council.

Leibler is a Zionist supporter of the Israeli state’s occupation of and war on Gaza, (described by the International Court of Justice as “apartheid” and “plausible genocide” respectively) with powerful & until recently, undisclosed corporate connections to Israel.

Given Mr Leibler’s standing, it is shocking to see hate-filled racially vilifying public posts from him on social media, describing Jews who do not hold his Zionist views as “repulsive and revolting human beings.”

At 10.11pm on Saturday, February 8 2025, Mr Leibler published the following post on X:

“Nothing, but nothing, is worse than those Jews who level totally unfounded allegations of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the State of Israel. They are repulsive and revolting human beings. Their relatives who were murdered by the Nazis – the role models for Hamas – will undoubtedly be turning in their graves. Their avowed anti Zionism is clearly no more than a cover for the reality that they are vicious antisemites.”

The same version of the post also appeared on X as an advertisement, presumably to attract a wider audience.

The language used by Mr Leibler to describe Jews who do not share his Zionist views is entirely dehumanising, and reminiscent of that used by Nazis to cast Jews as people who are unworthy of recognition as fully human, in an attempt to justify their torture and slaughter.

“Repulsive” and “revolting” are words designed to incite disgust and horror, and to turn others against the groups described in those terms. Mr Leibler of all people must know this, and must be aware of how language can be used against Jews to demean and cause marginalisation and harm.

Mr Leibler’s words are antisemitic. They declare anti-Zionist Jews to be unworthy and unclean. In publicly making this statement, Mr Leibler is inviting others to view anti – Zionist Jews as objects of disgust, scorn & contempt who deserve, because they don’t share his Zionist beliefs, the social shunning and ill-treatment reserved for those considered less than human.

Hatred, serious contempt, prejudice, discrimination, hostile behaviour towards, negative feelings and beliefs about anti-Zionist Jews that could significantly interfere with their capacity to engage as equals in society, are all encouraged by Mr Leibler’s public statement. This is, according to the laws of this country, anti-Semitism.

When hate speech enters into everyday discourse and is normalised, democratic values, peace and social cohesion are jeopardised.

As the widow of a fiercely anti-Zionist Jew, I am extremely distressed by Leibler’s words and the incitement to hatred that underlies them. My husband’s views did not make him, or the members of my extended Jewish family and friends who share them, “revolting and repulsive.”

Mr Leibler’s limited and viciously restrictive view of Jewishness should have no place in our society and should most certainly not be published as encouragement to others who favour such discrimination. Australia is a country whose leaders are committed to social cohesion, and who are currently deeply engaged in fighting anti-Semitism with strict legislation.

Leibler’s remarks also encourage division, not only within the broader society but within the Jewish community itself, as he seeks to pit Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews against one another.

I call on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Anti-Semitism Envoy Jillian Segal, NSW Premier Chris Minns, Victorian Premier Jacinta Allen, all of whom are acquainted with and/or friends and colleagues of Mark Leibler, to take action against his abhorrent vilification of anti – Zionist Jews, in the name of the social cohesion they all claim to value, and in the interests of fighting anti-Semitism as defined by state and federal governments.

“The Government has a clear responsibility to protect the safety of all Australians from hate, and these measures will provide a strong legal response to those who seek to incite violence and division in our society.” Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.


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About Dr Jennifer Wilson 1 Article
Jennifer has worked as an academic and a scholar, but now works at little of both her careers. She has published short stories in several anthologies, academic papers and book chapters, frequently on the topic of human rights. Her interests and writing are wide ranging, including cultural analysis. Jennifer has written for On Line Opinion, Suite 101 and ABC’s Drum Unleashed. Jennifer is well-known for her long-running blog No Place for Sheep: an eclectic blog that covers politics, society, satire, fiction and fun stuff.


  1. Mr. Leibler is totally wrong, brought up in ignorance and divergent stupidity. There is no god and nobody has seen one of the abrahamic delusional type. No photo, fingerprint, DNA sample, police file, CIA or FBI notes, no personal appearance ever, just NOTHING. And, no legal claim or paperwork or documents acceptable to law at all. Thus, there is not a chosen race, especially Jews, and no promised land. It is monumental fraud, filth and foul evil, with zionism being a plan to murder and steal in order to grab and occupy land of Palestine as held by the rotten British, from former masters the Ottomans, Palestine being a legal entity up to May, 1948. Intolerable crime here…

  2. One of two or more NGOs that do the bidding of…and what was their reacction to neo Nazis doing salutes etc., ‘freedom of speech’?

    There is an NGO in Sydney the AJA includes a former fossil fuel Koch-IPA type, but like the AIJAC seem more about deflecting &/or denigrating critics, under the guise of Judeo-Christianism and Torah/Old Testament values (for short term RW electoral gain in Oz, the US & Israel)?

    One recalls how Abbott et al, to promote coal, set up the ‘Monash Forum’ without seeking permission of Monash’s family in Melbourne; as his family complained, Monash was an engineer and would have followed climate science.

    Of course this was followed by a smearing of Monash’s reputation and/or legacy by, maybe or possibly, the Sydney AJA to support LNP, on his alleged affairs or mistress(es)?

    This follows on from Murdoch Senior’s vendetta vs Monash ‘the Israelite’ during and long after WWI; of course this does not fit with FoxNews etc. alleged white Christian nationalist editorial because Murdoch likes ‘immigrants’? That’s ok then.

    Good article here from Forward on Monash ‘The Secret Jewish History of the Greatest General You Never Heard Of…Monash was promoted to Brigadier General, a move that was met with more anti-Semitic backlash. He was also inducted into the Order of the Bath.
    This anti-Semitic backlash was spearheaded by Charles Bean and Keith Murdoch…


    Finally, these NGOs are as useless as our RW MSM and influencers, in slow walking allegations vs. ‘skip’ arsonists &/or taggers on Jewish landmarks, for Dutton to allege ‘the left is anti-semitic’ (inc Dreyfus, Burns et al?).

    Apparently the same symptomatic campaigns were run offshore in past couple of years according to Haaretz in Israel by Iran and France24 in France by Russia for hybrid war and disruption in the ‘west’; in the US Synagogue attacks like Mosques are almost exclusively by bona fide white Christian nationalists.

    If we ignore the content and distasteful behaviour, the RW MSM and infosystem are promoting Orwellian constructs, ie. black is white and white is black, to disorientate ageing and/or low info voters.

  3. Leibler should understand that The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 forbids hate speech on several grounds. The Act makes it “unlawful for a person to do an act if: the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and the act is done because of the race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the other person, or of some or all of the people in the group.

    Section 474.17 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code makes it an offence to use a carriage service such as the Internet in a manner which reasonable persons would regard as menacing, harassing or offensive.

    As a lawyer Leibler must understand that the law applies equally to all of us.

  4. Permit me to correct Mr Leibler’s claim regarding Jews appalled by Israel’s ceaseless atrocities that “Their relatives who were murdered by the Nazis – the role models for Hamas – will undoubtedly be turning in their graves.” The reality is that the Nazis are the role models for Zionsim and Israel: Zionazis.

  5. “Zionism” was way into swing before Hamas came into being (funded by the likes of Netanyahu) to dispose of PLO. The more you read/ research/learn of the Zionist agenda the way they use the ‘Hannibal Directive’ to achieve their vile objectives the more you can see their unerring dehumanisation of any “Other”.
    “Divide and Conquer” is now used through RW MSM, and the propaganda of continual lies, hatred and racist divisive language.
    Australia must expose and stop all divisive intents especially “antisemitism ” against the real semites, Palestinians.

  6. Zionism really is the fundamentalist version of Judaism, and like all fundamentalist religions sets the agenda on a literalist reading of the holy text, which ever that text may be.

    On going marginalisation and repeated pogroms against Jews throughout particularly Eastern Europe saw several prototypes Zionist movements, referring back to the Torah, and teachings from the Zohar, a book of Jewish mysticism. Along with marginalisation and isolation from the mainstream societies where they lived, the religious foundations and the desire to return to ‘Jerusalem’ became a part of their identity.

    As early as 1870, the fore-runner to modern Zionism, Hovevei Zion (Lovers of Zion) began reclaiming their ‘promised land’ immigrating to Palestine, establishing 20 Jewish towns by 1897. Theodor Herzl founded the national zionist movement in 1897 with plans to take back Palestine, replacing the Palestinian population with Jews.

    Having been set apart from most communities during the time of the Jewish diaspora, the sense of exceptionalism grew, a sense of being god’s chosen people, reinforced through the texts mentioned. So those who were not of god’s chosen were seen as less than them. A good reference for that is seen in the book of Exodus, the 40 year treck across and through the desert where god gave them the law, the ten commandments as well as many minor laws, and made it clear those laws were meant exclusively for god’s chosen people, as they were commanded to kill any and all who stood in the way of the Israelites occupying the promised land.

    We see the same attitude today. All who do not claim the mantle of god’s chosen are less than the chosen ones, and thereby able to be cast aside, ethnically cleansed from the promised land.

    The power of fundamentalism is clear, in this case, Jewish fundamentalism, but when we look around us, we see in Islam the promotion of Sharia Law, in fundamentalist Christianity a push to drive back the changes, the freedoms, the powers gained by women, people who define their sexuality as different than ‘prescribed’, in India with the rise of Fundamentalist Hindu and the persecution of Muslims and Sikhs.

  7. Thank you Dr. Jennifer for your forthright comments on the awful behaviour of Mr. Leibler.

    Even so, I think you assume a little too much when you say: “Australia is a country whose leaders are committed to social cohesion..

    It seems to me that Mr. Dutton, for example, has little interest in ‘social cohesion’, preferring instead to foster fear and division as and when necessary in order to dominate any discussion and thus further his quest to be our next PM.

    Also, while I fully understand and defend your call on Mr. Albanese and others to take action against Mr. Leibler, I will believe that to be partially accomplished when he receives a complaint against him from the HRC or, a writ under the RDA or the Criminal Code (as others have suggested) or better yet, an action for defamation in which exemplary damages are sought.– even a class-action if that be possible,

  8. With my OBE (over bloody eighty) i have seen a lot.
    When it comes to hate speech the outstanding example for me was at a dinner party in Sydney when the one Jewish guest vented on the subject of Palestinians. It was totally out of order, and coming from a recently retired academic it reinforced my view of antisemitic views.
    Watching Dreyfus just now reminded me that there are deluded folk in prominent positions who should be counselled, and kept from our news screens.
    The indoctrination that the cult fills them with means that they cannot be rational representatives of the Australian population.

  9. No surprise, all in line with the revised Zmanifesto of the early 60s, and the new Trumpian bald-faced coup. There are deep stories and proper investigative reportage that remain (likely not read by many today), about the Leibler’s et al various colorful activities of the ’80s and ’90s. To think that such stories are not known by Oz senior politicians of today is a stretch of imagination.

    These are far from irrelevant, but are old hat today, superseded by such entrepreneurs as the LR-Group.com. Go dig, have fun.

  10. It is never enough to share an extremist’s ancestry, ethnicity and/or religion … you must also agree with with their most extreme views. Anything else and you become their most hated enemy.

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